Identify finance available
My research shows that
I wouldn’t necessarily need a budget but I have the resources available free at
the college. The only thing I may need to consider is buying some software for
my computer at home so I can complete my game quicker and also become more
familiar with the software.
Identify resources and book where
Most of my resources
will be available to me at the college so my hours will be limited and I need
to consider booking a room out in the college.
Identify personnel needed and weather
they are available
I have one personnel to
assist me on Photoshop to help me create my sprites and help me get a better
understanding of how to use Photoshop so In the future I can create my sprites
without assistance.
Identify and health and safety
I will consider all the
health and safety concerns such as keeping drinks away from all electrical devices,
regular breaks from the screen and posture.
Prepare schedule
I will need to organize
my time wisely and prepare a schedule to cover all the steps required. Beginning
with the game concept, design and sketches, leading onto creating my sprites.
The last part will be testing out my game to double check for any missing
Identify any other risks to your project
I will consider my time
limit as I will have a deadline and will need to have completed it. I will also
need to consider the risk of losing data.
Identify legal aspects
I will
need to ensure the material I use is not copyrighted such as music, sound
effects and images. I will need also need to make sure my game is suitable for
the age rating.
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